1. SEEFAS Symposium – Bulgaria, Sofia 11. – 13 .11. 2016.
1st International Scientific Symposium of the Society for Facial Aesthetics of Southeast Europe
The theoretical part of the symposium was held at the Hotel Sense, and the working hands on modules at the Aesthetic academy clinic.
The President of the SEEFAS Presidency, Dr. Radina Denkova, opened the symposium and presented the plans and activities of a professional society that brings together experts from all countries of Southeast Europe.
Along with Dr. Radina Denkova (Bulgaria), the members of the presidency are univ.mag. Željko Rotim DMD (Croatia), Dr. Edin Suljagić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Dr. Siniša Glumičić (Croatia).
Interesting lectures were held at the symposium, starting with the lecture of univ.mag. Željko Rotim, dent. honey. “Hyaluronic fillers and techniques for application in practice” emphasizing the importance of psychological assessment of the patient, as well as the correct method of application and techniques of application of fillers.
Prof. dr. sc. Edin Suljagić gave a lecture on “Mosaic ablative lasers – A new opportunity for older skin and scars” where he explained the combination of ablative and non-ablative lasers to help solve various problems and how to get very good results.
“Injection therapy in the periorbitan and frontal region using Botullinum toxin type A” is a lecture given by Dr. med. Siniša Glumičić, a special maxillofacial surgeon who also had a live demonstration on the patient showing the application techniques.
Dr. Radina Denkova gave a lecture on “The overall concept for facial modeling, assessment and techniques with Allergan products” as well as a live demonstration on the patient.
Lectures were also given by Dr. Kameliya Mihaylova presented, Dr. Desislava Lekova., Dr. Veselina Mihailova and prof. Dr. Vesela Raykova.
There were also two presentations of the product “Regulatpro and Theresienoil Application in Aesthetic Medicine” presented by Dr. Eva Stoilova and Obagi cosmetics – American medical cosmetics that effectively remove various skin imperfections and are a reliable partner in the fight against aging, and the presentation was given by Zoritza Lukanova .
The aim of the SEEFAS scientific symposium is to show the participants how and how to successfully combine different methods in the field of anti-age medicine, which are presented by theoretical lectures by leading experts and hands-on work modules.
Working hands on modules were performed in the top conditions of the Aesthetic academy clinic in small groups under the guidance of SEEFAS instructors Dr. Radina Denkova, Dr. Željka Rotima, and Dr. Siniše Glumičića.
After the successful completion of the hands on module, all participants received a SEEFAS certificate of successful completion of the training, depending on which module it is.
The next SEEFAS symposium will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina in October 2017.